Portal de Cehegin


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detail of Cehegin


Opens "the best seat you have Cehegín" says Mayor (08/09/2008)

Cehegín Mayor Jose Soria, and the councilman of Culture, Nicholas del Toro, inaugurated the newly decorated Plaza Spain, which now has an impressive Roman aqueduct of 9 feet from the pavement level and a width of 5 meters.

The design of this roundabout, next to the bus station has been created by graphic artist Ana Merino, resulting in "the best seat you have Cehegín," according to the mayor, who was extremely satisfied with such a marvel.

This corner has taken a very natural, because the aqueduct is surrounded by many plants and stones.

In addition, its sides not stop falling water, simulating the operation that should have taken his day, which consists of archaeological remains found in Paradise Valley.

It also has fences, benches and pergolas, which provide shade when they grow up clinging to them the many vines have been planted.

Undoubtedly serve as a meeting point for walkers and neighbors, and, of course, will welcome all who come to Cehegín through the bus station.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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