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'The Departed' will be playing this Friday in the Gran Via Cehegín (24/07/2008)

The local group 'The Departed' will be playing this Friday Cehegín Gran Via, within the program 'The Friday of the Gran Via', which are carrying out the pubs and bars in the area, in collaboration with the City and the station More FM radio Begastri.

This initiative aims at confirming the Gran Via de Cehegín as one of the biggest entertainment zones of the Shire.

In fact, last week was the group 'Bang', formed by Santi Campillo and Wichi, among others, responsible for putting the music.

In addition, there remain several Friday and tomorrow, having already confirmed the presence of 'La Kresta del Gallo', one of the bands with more projection cehegineras recent years.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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