Portal de Cehegin


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detail of Cehegin


It shall be conditioned environment of the old railway station to improve the design of the Greenway (04/06/2008)

The Councillor of Tourism of the City of Cehegín Francisco in April, has reported that "will put the environment of the old railway station in the town to improve the design of the Greenway as it passes through it."

The zone change its image so sensitive, that is to pave an area of 1,500 square meters (from the Path Station), will be paved with cobblestone sidewalks to the building perimeter (about 160 square meters), and is to leave space for gardens, trees, benches and bins.

Will also install the sewage system, street lighting and go to look for parking areas.

These works, which have an investment of EUR 89,637.69, will be borne by the Consortium of the Greenway as part of its plan to invigorate.

For now, the City is in the process of awarding them, they should have, according to the project, lasting approximately two months.

According to Francisco in April, "with these works is to improve access for visitors from the village to the road, and improve it as it passes through the town.

No doubt this performance will upgrade the area will become a place of recreation and leisure for cehegineros and all visitors. "

According to Francisco in April, "with these works is to improve access for visitors from the village to the road, and improve it as it passes through the town.

No doubt this performance will upgrade the area will become a place of recreation and leisure for cehegineros and all visitors. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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