Portal de Cehegin


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The City Choir triumphs at Calañas Cehegín (17/04/2008)

Cehegín City Choir has been a resounding success in the third meeting Andévalo coral, a green mountainous region of Huelva, which the choir was invited by the corresponding ceheginero coming months ago, the choir Andalusian our city .

No one could say that was the most interesting, if the coral or Calañas population in dealing with the audience.

In front of this beautiful town has been its mayor, Fernando Recio Jacinto, who along with the councilman of Culture, Delcan Rodrigo Carranza, accompanied in all the acts of this monumental cehegineros displaced population.

Gained friendship and the treatment has been, should be viewed through the eyes of the soul and the similarities go both cities, that is, the two have mining of magnetite, the other of manganese.

Both take pride in their emblems carry the Cross of Santiago City.

Can also be seen in the Andalusian city remains Visigoths in the chapel of their patron saint, Our Lady Crowned.

Our city also hosted the Visigoths.

Have a magnificent sixteenth century church, like Cehegín.

The dimension of both cities is three hundred meters.

They have an alderman surnamed Carranza, and we had a National Award Teatro Lope de Vega, Lorenzo Fernandez, "Carranza."

Preserve the nobility and the different treatment of the province of Andalusia, as happens to us here about Murcia.

There are so many things that have united the two coral species have been twinned, not only in music but in the spirit of how we've been.

We talked about both cities but not the choir, whose closure had a grand finale, with "The Verhine Degli Angeli" from Verdi's opera "La forza del destino", where the soloist Ana Fernandez captured the attention and applause the crowd of well-organized act by the Polyphonic Choir "José Limón".

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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