Councilman Development, Industry and Economic Promotion of the City of Cehegín, Chico Francisco Molina and the Youth Councillor, Maravillas Fernandez Garcia, presented to the media the Joint Employment and Training Program for young people under 30 years it will start from the city of Cehegín, thanks to a grant ceheginero Team Government requested and has been granted by the Employment and Training Service of the Region of Murcia.
The project entitled "geriatric care to groups of social interest" .In this program will be able to benefit 15 young people under 30 years of Cehegín, during a year in which a theoretical part with a practical part is made compatible.
Thus, the young beneficiaries of the program will be able to obtain the Certificate of Competence "geriatric care for dependent people in social institutions".
The project to be carried out has a total cost of 164,931.32 euro.
Of these the SEF and the City brings 162,431.32 2,500 euros.
It notes that the program is funded mostly by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Programme for Youth Employment.
In fact, to this call are given from Europe 2,840,000 and 250,000 euros from the region.
The duration of the program is, as mentioned, 12 months, and of these three months correspond with lectures and 9 months remaining in the theoretical part will alternate with practices.
Practices are held in the Day Center Virgen de las Maravillas.
Regarding students will be able to benefit from the program, as already indicated, are 15 pupils, aged between 16 and 29 years, it is a requirement of the program that beneficiaries enrolled in the System Youth Guarantee.
In addition, these young people will have the title of ESO or equivalent to qualify for the program.
But regarding this notice, Maravillas Fernandez Garcia has made clear to the media that "As you know, last week the Popular Party, made a statement about this grant and other Local Public Employment. I want to clarify that both grants were made and requested according to instructions from the government team in the month of July of this year, soon after starting the legislature. Therefore, in this kind of leaks, I ask the Popular Party Cehegín have prudence and institutional loyalty and assume the role of underdog the last election. They are aware of the setback that gave them citizenship and not falling in such dirty game that they announce something that has neither been communicated to own government team in our town ".
"We continued the Councillor for Youth, we are concerned about the future of our young people, in their training, and that the projects and actions that the government team to manage than false promises about job creation Right. selling smoke and play with the illusion of many people "
In the same vein, the mayor Francisco Chico, said that "have been too many occasions when the People's Party Cehegín announced with fanfare projects which finally took place. We all remember the false promises of employment Argostea, with candy factory, biomass, the prefabricated houses, etc. The Popular Party has done nothing to sell the bear's skin before the hunt on these issues. But not content with this, we are now that continue doing the same from the opposition, with projects managed by the current government. We can not do otherwise than reject this way of doing politics, and certainly we are not going to do politics in this way. We will not play hoping Cehegín as unemployed by the People's Party came when he was in government. "
Given this note Cehegín People's Party, in which he spoke of these two grants, the City Council has made clear that, "Regarding the first grant from the speakers, the PMEF-GJ, I must say that we still have no confirmation official of the final resolution of the same, although we had a provisional resolution and a proposal for the Director of SEF sign the resolution. In addition, from the SEF, in telephone conversations, they said the subsidy was granted, and that could start to advertise it. But is that relative to the second, in the city of Cehegín have absolutely no communication about the granting of the same. And I wonder What if finally, for whatever reason, not granted the grant? On Friday, after leaving the statement of PP were several people who were at Coso requesting information. How do these people would be if finally the grant were not granted? How can you have the irresponsibility PP announced a thing that which still has no official communication yet City Hall?
With this attitude all the Popular Party does is play with the illusions of the people, because all that matters is the aggrandizement of his party, declaring that do not belong achievements, achievements that correspond only to the management of the City Cehegín "
Finally Councillor for Local Development, has focused on the Joint Employment Program has said that "will certainly be able to place these young people in a better position to joining the labor market position. This government team considers training develop basic and pillar will continue to do. I would emphasize that it is the first joint program that takes place in a different sector of the construction, because if we consider that programs related to rehabilitation of infrastructure play an important role it is essential to bet more on other areas related programs, as these programs must educate our young people in further sectors. There is no doubt that the healthcare sector is one of them, especially when every day we find a more aged "society.
Cehegín City Council is finalizing the drafting of the contractual terms of the program, in which the process of hiring a coordinator of the course, a trainer, and the procedure of selection of students shall be indicated.
Regarding the students will make a preselection in the SEF, and then the City Council will select the final beneficiaries through a process, as I say, will be published shortly on the basis that they are preparing, and basically consist of an interview with a Selection Authority to be set up for the process.
Regarding the recruitment of program coordinator and trainer, also they are finalized bases and will also published shortly.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín