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Success cehegineros schools in the Regional Final of Cross School Age (09/03/2015)

Lorca has hosted the Final of Cross Regional School Age in which Cehegin has had composed thirty students who have achieved two first places in teams, a first single seat and a third place team representation.

The first individual ever has since Jesus Montoya, college student category Alevín Pérez Villanueva, proclaiming School Cross Regional champion in its category.

The school Pérez Villanueva has also been proclaimed by teams Regional Champion Male Youngsters category.

The school Begastri City has also proclaimed Regional Champion by teams Alevín Female category.

And Count of Campillos school has also jumped on the podium achieving third place in category Female Benjamin.

"Once again Cehegín colleges have achieved excellent results in the competition program sport in school, thanks to the work and effort of students and teachers in the schools," said the Councillor for Sports, Antonio Marin.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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