Luis Sánchez-Romero and Ramon Bascuñana Cutillas have won the X Story Competition Salvador García Jiménez and VII Poetry Prize Fernando Gil Tudela, respectively, each year by the City of Cehegín.
The short story competition is worth 2,000 euros and 1,000 euros poetry.
'The pleasure of reading' is the title of winner of X story Story Competition Salvador García Jiménez, the work of the Valencian Luis Romero (1951), who studied Philosophy and Letters and is dedicated to teaching.
As a writer he has won several awards in the categories of novel, short story, story books and story.
Romero has published four novels: 'Eyes' (Valladolid, 1998);
'The Mirror of Solomon' (Alicante, 2003), 'The daguerreotype' (Vitoria, 2003) and 'Blancmange' (San Sebastián, 2009).
He has also published seven books of short stories and a book of poems.
For its part, the poem 'The Happy Ending', the writer Ramon oriolano Bascuñana, is the winner of Poetry Award VII Gil Fernando Tudela.
BA in Geography and History from the University of Murcia, Bascuñana has earned various literary awards and has several publications, both individual and collective works.
Among the awards he has to his credit include the XIV National Poetry Prize Miguel Hernández;
the Spanish American Poetry Prize XXII Juan Ramón Jiménez de Huelva Provincial Council;
Articles VIII Award, Luis García Berlanga Footwear Museum of Elda or XII Tales Contest Santoña the sea.
Literary competitions have received a total of 1,307 jobs have come from all corners of Spain and also from different countries.
With these contests, the City of Cehegín, through its Department of Culture, pays tribute to two of the best local writers.
The poet Gil Fernando Tudela Cehegín died in 2008 aged 99, having been all his life a poetic and culture for a whole generation of people and local writers.
Gil Tudela displayed his poetry throughout the twentieth century, creating a style of great beauty and lyricism.
Meanwhile, writer Salvador García Jiménez (Cehegín, 1944), Doctor of Arts with a thesis on Kafka and Spanish literature, has served for many years as Professor of Language and Literature School and its quality as a writer has done deserving of many awards and accolades.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín