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The awards ceremony closes activities acts of World Book Day 2014 (30/04/2014)

The winners of the Children's Story Contest VI have been Sofía Hernández Moya, CC Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas, which has won the first prize with the work "The mysterious newspaper.

The second prize went to Ibernon Ana Buitrago, CEIP Conde Campillos with the story of 'Illusion: the word'.

Third place went to Daniel Martínez Sánchez, Pérez Villanueva CEIP with a story entitled 'Great Library. "

The Gymkhana 'Discovering Cehegín' has still won by the team 'The Hell Boys' CEIP Lady of Maravillas, with a time of 35 minutes and 05 seconds.

As for the older reader and more loans made during the year 2013, has been Barthelemy Bertran, while the reader pequeñoy more loans made during the year 2013 has been Gema Vélez Morenilla

The presentation of these awards took place this morning at the House of Culture, and was presented by Councillor of Culture, Nicholas del Toro, and he has been involved in the language arts teacher at IES Alquipir Antonia Lorencio .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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