City Council and Banco Sabadell Cehegín this morning signed a collaboration agreement to promote measures to support entrepreneurs by facilitating the launch of new businesses and companies.
The mayor, José Soria Garcia, regional director of the bank, Francisco Martínez Sarabia, and the director of the local office, Juan Tomás Martínez Moya, offered a press conference to explain the terms of this agreement.
"The agreement is aimed at entrepreneurs and we are trying to help the creation of new enterprises in the case of an agreement with few requirements, with the viability of basic and primary condition, as any company, freelancer or entrepreneur who has a plan feasible and credible and ultimately economically viable will have our support, "said the regional director of Banco Sabadell.
The operations will be channeled through the City and Local Employment Centre, which is the agency responsible for receiving projects, supervise and evaluate its feasibility and realism.
If so, the project will move to the bank, which will give unlimited funding, a credit transaction to five years and an interest rate of 5.75%.
"The basic thing is the viability and credibility, if the City believes in the idea, Banco Sabadell believe in it," Martinez expressed Sarabia, who has expressed his confidence that this economic support business and job opportunities arise.
The mayor has welcomed the signing of this agreement with Banco Sabadell, "because it is a very appealing and attractive offer."
José Soria Banco Sabadell has stressed that only support operations that have a favorable report from the council, confirming the feasibility report of the project.
The Banco Sabadell offer individuals supported by the City a free service of expense and maintenance fees, as well as advice and personalized support by type of business (legal, mail, foreign trade, etc.).
It will also offer advantageous financing conditions to be a credit of 5 are not limited in amount and people of any age.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín