Young Christopher Rodriguez has won the poster contest Carnival 2014 in category B, with his work 'Cehegín Carnival' aimed at students of Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate.
Rodriguez is 17 years old and currently pursuing studies 2nd High School of Arts in the IES San Juan de la Cruz.
The work, as explained by the author, is inspired by billboards of old film and also reveals characteristics of Modernism or 'Art Nouveau' style popular in Europe in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century and whose aesthetic was very influential in the world of signage and graphic arts.
Celebrations Councilman Ruben Sanchez, has highlighted the quality of the work submitted in this category of the competition, but has said that the poster presented by Christopher has received unanimous praise from the jury and this has made won for the second consecutive year Youth Award.
Sanchez explained that this poster will be released as the back cover of the program of events of the Carnival 2014.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín