The project, set in the seventeenth century and based on the life of the historical figure of Ambel Martin, will be released in September.
The production, which is made up of students from the Catholic University of Murcia Murcia and participation Cehegín people.
Ambel: The film supported with the assistance of the City Cehegín UCAM TvCehegin and various shops in the town, finished filming last October and managed to roll with 28,000 euro budget.
Below we provide a link to the official website
- Draft -
In 2011, a group of students of Audiovisual Communication UCAM decided to embark on the project of 'Ambel, The Movie'.
After two years of pre-production, in the summer of 2013 was carried out the shooting of the film era factual.
Throughout the filming, the team reached over 900 people including actors, extras, partners and technical team, which made it possible for the filming of the film lasted only 24 days.
Ambel has managed to raise all the money invested in pre-production and filming of it through government, corporate sponsors, social finance and crowdfunding.
Also, many companies have participated by providing material, which has drastically reduced the cost of production.
Thanks to the support of the people of Cehegín and its people we could get here, but the work is not over yet.
There are still many hours of post-production and manpower to achieve our dream: to transform Ambel project a reality.
- Synopsis -
Victim of stagnant and hypocritical society of the seventeenth century, Martin Ambel will be forced to live for 36 years within the walls of the Church of the Conception after committing murder to defend the honor of his family.
- Factual -
Ambel and Bernard Martin was born in the town of Cehegín in 1592.
At 31 he was involved in a duel of honor in which he killed the Lieutenant Mayor of the town, Don Alonso de Góngora.
This event determined the future of Martin Ambel and his family.
Source: TvCehegin