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Long and dangerous the third and final closure of the Feast of St. Zeno of Cehegín (05/08/2012)

The third and final closure of the Feast of St. Zeno of Cehegín held this morning, has resulted no injuries despite the long and dangerous that has resulted.

The bulls of Ana Romero have made the race almost from the start fragmented into several groups.

Thus, a first group consisting of oxen and three bulls took the lead the rest of his brothers and reached the final stretch of the trail at a very mild which has led to beautiful careers.

Behind them, a second group of two bulls came to the square to a slow and complicated to make colorful career, without creating problems.

And one last bull left behind causing many difficulties for young men and shepherds to lead to the plaza.

The animal lunged hedges constantly ignoring the cites of the lads who tried to take the square.

Finally, when the clock marked 4 minutes and 50 seconds, the bull of Ana Romero crossed the doorway of the arena.

Ana Romero bulls be fought this afternoon from 18.30 in a bullfight that puts an end to bullfighting San Zeno programming, with the presence of mounted bullfighter Luis Valdenebro and bullfighter Francisco Montiel The blond .

In the afternoon yesterday, the comedy show bullfighting 'The Fireman Torero' was the delight of the kids with the staging of his comic and dwarf bullfighters.

Source: Agencias

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