Deputy Secretary of Communications Cehegín People's Party and spokesman for the city, Francisco in April, said that "the PSOE once again trying to fool the cehegineros criticizing everything that they are making in municipalities govern."
These statements were made after the popular spokesman stance against the Socialists in terms of plan and provider payment adjustment plan developed by the municipal government and approved by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration recently.
With data in hand, in April again reminded that "the town of Cehegin is the Northwest region of the less debt you have with suppliers, on the two million or so, when other municipalities are about six, eight or eleven ".
He has also stated that "the adjustment measures which have opposed the Socialists in Cehegín are the same, even in some cases milder than those that have been adopted in municipalities governed by the Socialists as Calasparra, as already demonstrated in the past full. "
As for the Socialists declariaciones cehegineros in which stated that 'the mayor laughs at cehegineros' regarding the official visit to schools in Stockholm, April has described as 'appalling lack of respect' to the institution and they they know that the mayor to visit the Swedish capital has been to formalize the relationship between schools in the city and our county in order to continue to conduct exchanges of students, and to visit with a dance school which aims establish a partnership for the implementation of the municipal dance school Cehegín.
Finally in April recalled that all the economic problems that are currently going through the government and the families are the result of the disastrous policy pursued by the socialist government in Spain in recent years that did not take the steps necessary to stop this situation and left Spain with five million unemployed and a battered economy.
As the government said Rajoy, in just four months, and has undertaken many reforms that the country needed some time and was forced to take hard decisions also no doubt, everyone's efforts, will result in improving the current situation.
Source: PP Cehegín