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The ICT Centre will give a workshop to the mayors of the region, to introduce the use of social networking (05/03/2012)

Councilman Cehegín New Technologies, Francisco in April, has reported that "from the ICT Centre have organized a workshop on social networks, aimed at policy makers of the municipalities in the region, which discuss issues as important as online reputation, prevention, monitoring, personal branding and information management, on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, among others. "

This workshop is completely free, will take place on Friday March 16, starting at 10 am in the ICT Reference Center on Calle Mataro Cehegín 25 and is expected to end about 14 hours.

To register in it, those interested should contact the ICT Reference Center, via e info@centrodereferenciatic.es or phone 968 00 20 60.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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