The Association for Cehegín Running of bullfighting festival has organized an amateur, to raise funds to keep working and promoting the Feria de San Zeno.
In this festival, to be held on Sunday November 6 at 4 and a half in the afternoon, will acartelados' The Shoe ',' The Pan ',' De la Fuente Marco ',' The Convent Girl ',' The Bones' and 'The Tiopo'.
In this way, the crews are as follows:
- Sword: Pedro Martinez 'The Shoe', with their respective crew: Rodrigo April 'The Master' Manolo 'The Ruyo' and Christopher Sanchez De Amoraga 'The Boy Wonders II'.
- Sword: Juan Lopez 'The Pan', with their respective crew: Francisco José Pastor, Juan Corbalan 'Mercadona' and Sergio Ortega 'The Toneja'.
- Sword: Catalina Martinez 'De la Fuente Marco', with its corresponding crew: Alfonso Fernandez 'The child of San Ginés', Diego Martinez 'Dieguito of Borneo' and Juan Fernando Espin 'The Boy in the Temple'.
- Sword: Wonders Fernández 'La niña del Convento', with a corresponding gang: Fina 'Finite Cehegín', José Ramón Puerta and Alexander 'The child the potato'.
- Sword: José de Paco 'The Bones', with their respective crew: Pedro Antonio 'El Basti', Ginés de Paco 'El Niño Bee' and Adrian Martinez 'Flower Child'.
- Sword: Pedro Alvarez 'The Tiopo', with their respective crew: Andrew Montesinos 'The Grapes' and Andres Fernandez 'The Eagle'.
With 6 yearlings of the prestigious Juan Pablo Jiménez Livestock Pascuau.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín