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The councils donate part of their budget to buy food for the needy (20/12/2010)

Cehegín Mayor Jose Soria, has reported that "economic effort I have asked the council to donate to Caritas a part of the budget they have allocated, in order to buy food for needy families in these Christmas. "

The council of Social Services and Associations, María Isabel Martínez and María Teresa González, respectively, have reported that "the food bank has Caritas is emptier than ever, because now there is more demand for food than ever."

With this money will buy potatoes, chicken, rice, sausages, candies, etc., with which it will be lots "will be distributed tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, in 4 of the Cuesta Moreno, to all who need it, and our goal is that no family will go wrong this Christmas "as responsible for Caritas, Mari Cruz Puerta.

"It will be between eight and ten thousand euros which we provide," he assured the mayor, who has also clarified that "the City will not make any campaign, or give those lots, or know families that receive . All that Caritas will, because this is not a political issue, but it is by an existing need. "

The session ceheginero already made this year a contribution of 2,400 euros to Caritas, and 1,500 euros to the House of Passer.

In addition, carried out the delivery of a special grant of 10,000 euros to San Francisco Center for Children Day.

Mari Cruz Puerta was very excited about this, "because the response of the City Council has been it. It was they who came to tell us what we needed," he said.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín

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