The writer and historian ceheginero, Jesus Francisco Hidalgo, who is also Archivist Municipal, presented on Friday, October 28, at 20:00 pm and the Casa de la Cultura, his new novel, historical theme, entitled "Chronicle wandering souls ", published by the Editorial Amarante.
This falls within the Cultural Passport.
It is one of the cultural activities that will develop along these months, organized by the Culture Department of the City Council, led by Wonders Fernández.
"Chronicle of the wandering souls", as mentioned, is the second novel published by Francisco Jesus Garcia Hidalgo.
literary works of historical genre, is set in Cehegín late sixteenth and early seventeenth century.
The plot of this historical novel flows through several different paths that eventually form one around the protagonist Don Lucas Hernández de Fresneda, of Genoese origin, surrounded by a series of characters of diverse cultures that create and give life to this story much of it takes place in Cehegín, in the Kingdom of Murcia during the sixteenth century.
Love, humanism, life, death, adventure, hatred, friendship, pain and popular culture, it makes this work a waste of pleasantness where contractions about such complicated times like are reflected to us to live.
As axis on which the narrative is present "The Ring of the Dove", the work of Ibn Hazm, and a real gem that will be present in history is articulated.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín