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The PP claims that the "advisor" party hired by the City worked without enlist in the Social Security and pay tax personal income tax (30/08/2016)

The Popular Party Cehegín has complained that the hiring by the local council of a 'consultant' to organize the festivities last year became irregularly because "we are certain that he was not discharged in Security social and neither the council paid income tax withholding from him. "

According to the 'popular' cehegineros "Councilwoman Celebrations lied in the city who answered questions about the party when he said the 'consultant' had been providing its services through an ETT" when the reality is that the temporary work he merely made a posteriori a bill at the request of council itself to pay this person, closely linked to the local PSOE and formed part of the candidacy of the party in the last municipal elections.

This same person is doing similar work this year for a few weeks, and from the Popular Party is suspected that at least until the end of last week, was not enlist in the Social Security.

From the Popular Party it has criticized that the city has to hire a 'consultant' to manage all jobs and contracting parties when it has a councilman, an event coordinator and diverse staff with extensive experience in organizing activities, " and also hired irregularly. "

Source: PP Cehegín

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