"The unemployment data for July confirm that the Region of Murcia continues to create employment above the national average," said the deputy of the PP in the Regional and responsible Assembly on Employment, José Soria who has stressed the aspect positive that "we have five consecutive months of decline which puts us in the levels of July 2009".
Soria has highlighted two specific data, that of the 2,088 people who found a job last July, 74% were women and nearly half were unemployed more than a year in unemployment, "which shows a continuous drop in the number of long-term unemployed in the last year has been reduced by 5,480 people, representing a decrease of 9.24%. "
The popular deputy in the regional parliament stressed that "thanks to the policies of the PP in the Region of Murcia reinforces the positive trend in job creation" and sets an example that "for the month of July last year unemployment has fallen by 42 % more ".In this sense he recalled measures adopted by the regional government and lower taxes and decree of administrative simplification.
"Since January unemployment has fallen in the region in 13,312 peopleand this positive market developments esfruto work of effective government measures Pedro Antonio Sanchez those for whom employment is a priority," said José Soria who believes that Spain can soon have a stable government to "take decisions to maintain this trend and continue the economic recovery."
The regional deputy PP has also affected 8.81% reduction in unemployment among those under 30 years in the last year, driven by incentives and hiring subsidies, and increased permanent contracts, 13 , 27%, against temporary, 5.14% from last January, "we approach our goal of achieving greater stability to employment and hope to reach the end of the year indefinidosa 60,000 contracts in the region" , has said.
The popular MP has concluded highlighting the membership data laSeguridadSocial with 2,133 new members, and that puts us on-year half point above average, "we are going in the right direction and to move forward is necessary and end the instability policy at national level, this inertia will not remain without a government to make decisions to consolidate it. "
Source: PP Cehegín