The councilman of Celebrations of the City council of Cehegín, Juan Martinez Garci'a, has announced the bases of the Contest to choose the poster announcer of the Patron Saint Festivals 2019, that are celebrated traditionally of the 8 to the 14 of September.
All citizens who wish to participate may participate in the contest, who must submit their works up to Friday, July 26, 2019.
Any number of artists and designers interested in the competition, individually or as a team, will be able to participate in the contest.
Theme, technical characteristics, lettering and motto.
The subject of the works must take into account the festivals that they try to announce: the Patron Festivities of Cehegín.
The works must be original and unpublished, not having been presented in other competitions and that do not suppose in whole or in part, copy or plagiarism of own published works or of other artists.
The authors will be responsible, before the
City Council and in front of third parties, of the fulfillment of the established in these bases.
Technical characteristics
- They will be of conception and free techniques, whenever possible their reproduction.
- The posters will be presented assembled in blood on 1 cm.
Of thickness, at least, without protective glass or frame.
Its format will be vertical and in size of 50 cm.
x 70 cm
- The authors who choose to perform their works using computer systems, must provide a color reproduction with the measures and other features previously indicated, as well as the corresponding support (pen, CD, DVD ...) with all the necessary digital files for obtaining of fotolitos, a technical sheet of the procedures used, including the sources used and, if it were the case, the originals of the images digitized in their tiff format or others.
The posters will contain the following legend:
from September 8 to 14
With the logos of "Cehegín Turístico", "Concejalía de Festejos" and "Escudo de Cehegín"
It will also close the slogan "Cehegín amazes"
- Works that contain errata in their signage will not be accepted.
In the back of the works will be a motto that will serve to preserve the identity of the author until the decision of the Jury.
Each contestant may submit a maximum of two works with a different theme for each of them.
A single prize of € 400 is established for the winning poster.
- The deadline will end on July 26, 2019, Friday, at 3:00 p.m.
- The works will be presented, or will send duly packed, to the House of Culture of this Hon.
City Hall, located on Begastri Street, n °.
7 CP 30430 Cehegín (Murcia), on working days from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., where a proof of its presentation will be issued, where appropriate.
- Together with the poster, in the back part of which, only the motto will appear in legible letters, a sealed envelope will be attached, which will include the name and surnames of the author or authors of the works, address and
Telephone / s and a signed statement indicating that the work is original and unpublished.
- On the outside of the envelope indicated, will appear, in capital letters, the same motto that appears in the work presented, without including any allusion to identify the contestant, being the cause of exclusion of the contest the
breach of this rule.
- In the works sent by mail or transport agency will be recorded the day and time of delivery, without there being any mention of the sender.
The selection and awarding of the prize of the Contest will be carried out at the proposal of a Jury appointed and presided over by the councilor of Festejos or in whom he delegates.
Selection of works.
- Once the decision has been adopted, the works submitted and admitted to the contest, may be the subject of an exhibition on the dates and in the place that the organization considers.
- Contestants who wish to maintain their anonymity in the aforementioned exhibition, expressly state this in the data that is enclosed inside the closed escrow.
Award-winning works
- The awarded work will be the exclusive property of the Hon.
City Council of Cehegín, being able to be reproduced to announce the holidays and make of it the promotional use of the same ones that it is considered convenient, with mention of its author or authors.
- The City Council is authorized to introduce any modification to the winning poster if there is any technical difficulty to print it or to introduce any text or logo that does not initially appear in these bases.
Works not awarded
- Non-awarded works may be picked up or reclaimed at postage due to the request of their authors, within 30 days after the end of the exhibition of which they may be subject.
- If within the indicated period they have not been removed, it will be understood that their authors renounce their property in favor of the City Council of Cehegín, who may destroy them or give them the fate that they consider most convenient or opportune, which may include their edition or printing by of this City Hall.
- The fact of participating in the contest implies the knowledge and acceptance by all the contestants of the present bases;
For this reason, they will not be able to challenge them once the presentation has been formalized.
- The competent bodies, in each case, will be empowered to resolve the doubts that arise and take the necessary agreements for the good order of the contest, in everything not foreseen in these bases.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cehegín